Thursday, September 19, 2013

To Be Or Not To Be?

                To buy the expensive sweater or not to buy? To buy would mean another option of clothing to wear to school which could lead to taking a longer time in the morning deciding on what to wear. Or it could quicken the process, for if it is worth its cost, there should be few options to contest with it. To buy would mean to own another clothing item suitable for winter, which is a necessity with the cold quickly approaching. If it is just right in size, shape, material, and color I could wear it with multiple outfits in many ways, using it to its fullest extent. However, is the large expense worth the product?  What I would splurge on one sweater could buy a tank of gas to last a week, groceries that last for days, and who knows what else. The money I would save could be put towards so many useful necessities of life which could benefit me any time of the year.  But a good sweater can last many years, providing warmth to an otherwise freezing torso. If the money were to be used for something I need, it would only go to a temporary cause.  So it ultimately turns into a competition of need versus want: of necessities versus desires. I want nothing more than to have a fashionable and functional sweater but at the cost of my hard earned money? Working minimum wage, it would take at least seven and a half hour  to afford the sweater I so desire. So the sweater, in reality, is costing me more time than money. Instead of being, say, 60 dollars, it costs over seven hours of time which is over two shifts at my job and I can only work one shift a day. So is that sweater really worth two days of my time? Probably not. But will I end up buying it? probably.

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