Sunday, September 29, 2013

Thinker or Doer?

Am I a thinker or a doer? I do not believe I can pick one. I do not consider myself to fall on one side or the other, rather somewhere in between. So maybe that makes me a thinker- the fact that I will not choose one specific answer. But in another sense it makes me a doer because I have come to the conclusion that I am neither yet uphold both at the same time.

                As a thinker, I see both sides of situations and conflicts before I act. I think about who is affected, what my options are, and the possible outcomes. As a thinker I think before I act. But I cannot say this is always the case. I am in a grey area where sometimes it is darker and sometimes it is lighter, never do I choose the same shade.

                As a doer, I am often cautious or the opposite. Making decisions is not my forte, I would rather be told what to do rather than to be given the option to choose. These decisions can lead me to go back and forth between my options or can cause me to choose one blindly. Although rare, choosing blindly has often proven as a poor decision. I would rather think things through first.

                So in that case I am a thinker. As you can tell I cannot choose exactly where I fall. This in itself may prove that yet it could also be argued that by thinking things through, I am “doing”. I could sway back and forth endlessly on the matter and still come to the same conclusion: I am neither a thinker nor a doer, yet I am made up of qualities of each.

1 comment:

  1. I liked that you were in the middle and were able to explain both sides. I myself am a thinker and really did not like to think about whether or not I was a thinker or a doer because then i realized how cautious I really am. being a Doer is hard but sometimes is better that way you don't always have to think for such a long time on simple decisions.
