I chose The Road
Not Taken as my poem for the Poetry Out Loud competition. I like this
poem for a number of reasons. One being, that it is so misunderstood.
Before reading it in English class, I had heard about it and made my assumption
that Frost encourages his reads to take the road less traveled. I find this
especially interesting. I think it mirrors American optimism, for we tend to
create inspirational meanings rather than depressing ones. By choosing to see
the inspirational rather than plainly truthful meaning, it exemplifies our
desire to accomplish the American dream in our own, unique ways. This
misinterpretation is funny, for it is exactly the opposite of Frost’s intended
point. In fact, Frost makes fun of those who claim in hindsight that they have
taken the road less traveled. I find this to be very ironic. The poem is best
known as its opposite meaning rather than its intended one. However, I think it
mirrors the very message frost is trying to depict. If you believe you’ve taken
the road less traveled, or strive to do so, it is a waste of time, for everyone
ends up in the same place.
factor in choosing this poem is the sound of it. it is read in a rhythmic,
rhyming way which not only sounds nice, but will hopefully make it easier to
memorize. I also like the imagery involved throughout it. it’s intended message
is also interesting. I like that Frost is saying to take the easy road because
I feel like throughout life, people are always saying to take the hard road now
so that your life will be easier later. Frost contradicts the norm. Above all
else though, I love how misunderstood it is. The irony in its misunderstood
meaning is what sticks out to me the most.
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